
Food Art Pairings: Are you hungry yet? by Samantha Murray

When our favourite things come together, we feel compelled to share. Food Art Pairings is a passion project that assigns popular snacks their own Pantone swatches, created by the folks at Dschwen, a creative studio based in Minneapolis. Their brief project rationale: “After years of matching pantones, it was time to change things up. We were also hungry.”

We love these pantone pairings because a: they are clever, and b: they feature some of our favourite snacks. These simple photographs each tell a huge story and the studio’s rationale speaks well about the ways our creativity is driven by our experiences, inspirations and every day interactions.

Here at Snack, we believe in fresh thinking. When we leave the office, our creativity doesn’t turn off, it continues to be ignited by every experience and event we encounter. And we bring this back to work with us. Challenging ourselves in creative ways outside of the day-to-day demands of work allows us to serve up new and innovate ideas for our clients.

Snacks Quarterly: Our New Fave Online Publication by Samantha Murray

Here at the studio, we love all things snack, so when former colleague Jamie Philp sent over this link we just had to share! Snacks Quarterly. This amazing online publication is dedicated to all things snack. People’s favourite snacks, poems about snacks, stories including snacks – if it has to do with a snack or snacking, it’s there.

One of my favourites is this amusing article called “Snack Two-liners” by Emily Toder.

There are lots of mini-interviews with different writers and designers peppered throughout. Imaginative questions revolving around crazy snack scenarios. I won’t tell you where to find them because half the fun is exploring! Here is just one – where the article’s visual is now on our must-have list:

Enjoy snacking on this site! We certainly did :)